Infinite Dimensions Corporate Wellness Solutions is your dedicated partner in creating a corporate wellness programs that inspire your employees to make simple and positive changes to improve their health.

We work with employers to provide the strategic direction, tools, and resournces required to design and deliver a comprehensive well-being program to improve employee health, overall productivity, and the bottom line. Our clear focus on education and a customized, hands-on approach make us unique in the wellness industry.

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We offer a variety of services designed specifically for your organization’s needs. Whether you’re a small company with a few employees or a large corporation with multiple teams or departments, we will create the perfect solution for you.

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Jasmine J. Reid

Jasmine’s passion for health and wellness can be traced to her time in the military. Her first exposure to health education came as a member of the United States Army Deployed Medical Public Health Team. That team tracked the infection rate for Tuberculosis cases brought to the United States by Kosovanian refugees. Jasmine developed her talent working with the public as a part of the Florida Heart Research Community Outreach Team responsible for educating the community on cardiovascular risk factors. Health education is the solid foundation on which Jasmine has built her career since 2008.

Jasmine currently works at Broward College as an Adjunct Professor in Health and Wellness and is the owner of Infinite Dimensions Corporate Wellness Solutions, an independent wellness education and consulting business. Jasmine’s central role in both positions is the human connection. As both a wellness consultant and a health educator, she is the primary business liaison for the client specifically using targeted wellness services and health education workshops. Having a key role in ensuring wellness program satisfaction, Jasmine understands that engagement and retention is of the utmost importance.

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