Ready to Implement, Customizable Workshops


General Wellness

Wellness Goals

This workshop explains exactly what a good wellness goal looks like, as well as provides tips to make meeting your goals more realistic. Whether you want to lose weight, reduce your health risks, or just get more fit, check out this workshop.

How To Be Heart Healthy: Action Steps

This workshop will provide actionable steps on how to start your heart health journey.

Sleep Hygiene

How well do you sleep? Sleep is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. But sleep is often the first thing that gets sacrificed when life gets busy. How does not getting a restful night's sleep affect the body? That is what you will learn in this beginners’ guide on sleep hygiene.

New Year, New You

Every year 60% of Americans makes New Year’s goals and, unfortunately, many do not achieve them. This workshop will help you learn how to set targeted goals to help you achieve behavior change without giving up!

Vaccine Awareness

Immunization saves millions of lives and is widely recognized as one of the world’s most successful and cost-effective health interventions. In this workshop, the participant will learn all about what vaccines are and the different types.

Summer Safety

Do you know what SPF is? Do you understand basic first aid? This workshop teaches the participant the basics of summer safety. Everything from what SPF is to mosquito prevention and skin cancer awareness.

Mental Health Matters

What exactly is stress? How does it affect the body? That is what you will learn in this beginners’ guide on stress awareness

Men’s Health - Movember

This workshop provides basic information on the top health threats currently affecting men. It will review each disease and condition and provides information on prevention and treatment. Can be customized to speak to the prevalent conditions affecting your population.

Women's Health

This workshop provides basic information on the top health threats currently affecting women. It will review each disease and condition and provides information on prevention and treatment. Can be customized to speak to the prevalent conditions affecting your population.

Breast Cancer Awareness

This workshop will provide basic information, what is breast cancer, breast cancer latest statistics, and lastly how to detect and prevent breast cancer.


disease prevention

Know Your Numbers!

Knowing and understanding your heart health risks is the first step in acting! This workshop will help you understand your numbers and identify lifestyle choices for better health, so you can make positive changes that will prevent the onset of chronic health conditions.

The Skinny on Cholesterol

This workshop will explain what cholesterol is and provide you with steps to prevent and manage high cholesterol.

All About Blood Pressure

What are blood pressure readings? Systolic, diastolic? What is high blood pressure and why does it matter? This workshop will cover all the basics on what blood pressure is and how to prevent it from getting high.

Understanding Diabetes

Are you looking to understand the basics when it comes to Diabetes. This workshop provides basic information about what diabetes is and the complications that surround diabetes.

Colorectal Cancer Prevention

Cancer of the colon or rectum is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. This workshops teaches the participant about what colorectal cancer is and how to prevent it from happening.

Lung Health Education

In addition to the heart, brain, and liver, the respiratory system, including the lungs, accounts for one of the most important parts of the human body. Without properly functioning lungs, a person will struggle to find the air and energy to complete even basic physical activities. This workshop explains the various diseases that can plague the respiratory system and how to prevent them from happening.

Tips and Tricks Tobacco Cessation

Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. This workshop goes in to the first basic steps on how to quit vaping and smoking.



Food Vs. Fitness

This workshop will teach you what to focus on when trying to get or stay healthy. It will help you understand why nutrition matters for good health and what role exercise plays in the big picture. In addition, it will provide you with tips to find the right path for you.

Couch To 5k

A Guide To Training For Runs This workshop will go into detail about how to train for an upcoming running event.

All About Fitness

This workshop will teach you the basics on why exercise is important and how to set up a correct workout routine. You will also learn to how to set up SMART fitness goals and target behaviors that will lead to overall workout success!



Nutrition 101

The focus of this workshop is on the basics of eating healthy, busting nutritional myths, when to buy organic, what carbohydrates, fat and proteins are, what cravings are, and lastly reading food labels

Why “Diets” Don’t Work

This workshop will go into detail about “Fad” diets and why they are bad for you. You will also learn what an Integrative Nutritional Plate looks like and why that’s important.

Eating Healthy on a Budget

This workshop will teach you tips and tricks to shop smart and save. Learn how to extend your budget at the grocery store, strategies for maximizing nutrition and your budget. Learn how to plan healthy, balanced meals at affordable prices.

Mindful Eating

We seldom take the time to really gauge our hunger, focus on our food or even truly savor a few bites. As a result, we often eat when we’re not hungry, and eat too fast, too much and too unhealthily. In this workshop you will learn a variety of mindfulness techniques including eating exercises, self kindness, and guided meditations that help get to the heart of physical and emotional eating challenges. You will learn how to use your body’s cues to help guide your decisions to begin and stop eating.


Health Education Tables

Interactive experiences that enhance learning

  • Heart Health

  • Men’s Health

  • Women’s Health

  • Breast Cancer Awareness

  • Diabetes Education

  • Lung Health Tobacco Cessation

  • Nutrition Education- How To Eat Heart Healthy

  • Cholesterol

  • Blood Pressure

  • Sleep Hygiene